Test Instrument Based on Critical Thinking Skills Integrated Javanese Cultural Tradition in Islamic Context
1Fitri Dwi Agustina,2Raharjo,3Isnawati,4Djoko Hartono
1,2,3Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
4Program of Islamic Education, Islamic Institution of Al Khoziny Sidoarjo, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i2-30

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The purpose of this study was to describe the theoretical and empirical feasibility of a test instrument based on integrated critical thinking skills of Javanese local food culture in the Islamic context. This research is a development research with the ADDIE development model. This type of research is descriptive to get the quality of instruments that are valid and reliable theoretically and empirically as a measuring tool for students' critical thinking skills. Data collection uses validation instruments to analyze products carried out by expert validators as data on theoretical validity and reliability. Limited trial data were analyze using the Rasch model as empirical validity and reliability data. The results of the study stated that all the items developed as test instrument products belonged to the theoretically and empirically valid and reliable categories. This result implies that the integrated test instrument for the meaning of Javanese culture in the Islamic context can be used in learning activities to measure students' critical thinking skills.


The instrument based on critical thingking skills, Javanese cultural traditional in islamic context


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